Angus Herd Talk
Discussions with Registered Angus Breeders across America about their operations, breeding philosophies and herd sires used in the past and present.
Angus Herd Talk
A dive into the Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch with Chad Denowh. We discuss his thoughts on the ideal cow and some of the famous herd sires they've owned.
All right. On today's podcast, we have Chad Denao from Garner Denao Angus ranch. I really look forward to this podcast this is how we started this podcast. I called my good friend Corey one day and I said, Hey, do you know anything about this GDAR all in bull? He says, no, I don't know anything about them. What do you know about the Denao program? What size of their cattle? You know, what do you, what do you think of the cattle? What were they like? I don't know. What do you know about them? I don't know a damn thing. And we're mulled over and talking and I said, you know, this would be a great topic for a podcast. Just to go dive deep into people's programs so that people can go to them and say, oh, oh, that's what they do. Yeah, they're going to fit me or they don't fit what I want to do. So Chad, you're how this whole thing started.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Really that's, uh, that's kinda hard to believe I guess, but
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:It is. It's all because of that ding bowl all in. Speaking of all in, I, later on I want to deep dive into that bowl. Could you guys name something else?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:name of something else. You don't like all that.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Uh, no, cause the other one was horrific. Horrific. I know I'm throwing stones and throwing a huge rock, but it's true. I had a couple of all ins and, they aren't In the Creek cattle program any longer, they didn't survive.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:All right. we're pretty lucky to have you do this podcast. I think what you're the fourth, maybe fifth generation at Gardner now.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Well, fifth at the Gartner de Know six on the ranch here,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Okay. All right. We'll start right there. Take us through the historical start of GD AR.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:well it started in the fifties. I think they 56 maybe. They bought their first Angus cows and it was my great-grandpa, uh, Joe Gartner and his son-in-Law, Russ Deno, uh, that actually started it, and that's why it's Gartner dno. Um, currently it's all DNOs on the ranch, but uh, my grandma was the oldest of 10 sisters. And so there was no gardeners that came back, but, um, they bought their first ones in 56. I think the first sales like 68 or something before that they were just private treating bowls. Um, and I guess grandpa, he kind of bucked the trend back in the day. He was going for bigger cattle, you know, in those days, they were pretty small cattle, um, he was going for more performance cattle, um, but always keeping an eye on the maternal, of course. Um, and then I guess later on when the cattle got really big, he just tried to stay true to our, uh, philosophy and kept the cattle kind of what he thought was the right size and that pendulum just kind of swings back and forth, you know, and it, it came back. I would say, um, Oh, what else? Uh, currently there's me, my dad, uh, Mick, my uncle, Paul, my cousin, Casey, are all the Dano's on the place. So it's still a family run operation. Um, the kids are starting to get into it now too. So hopefully it keeps going.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:you guys have a deep history, into the breed. You guys have had some of the most historical bulls. If anybody has kind of any kind of semblance of history of the breed would know is. QAS Traveler 23. 4. You guys kind of started the Rainmaker deal with GDAR Rainmaker and then a little well known bull named Traveler 6807. Kind of go through some of that procurement of picking those bulls out. the history of those bulls, what they've done with the breed. Um, just go right from there.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Well, it was my dad that actually, um. bought traveler, um, with the, with Sitsa Stevenson's and Roland Rock Angus
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Which Traveler? Cause we had a 23. 4 in it.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Yep. QAS 23 dash four. Um, and at that time, I think they spent, I think it was 60 or something. There's a lot for a bull back then. And I remember him saying he tells the story way better than I ever could. You know, I wasn't, I was only a thought back then, but, um. He, he called home and grandpa couldn't believe what he paid for that bull. And then he told him he had partners, of course, but, uh, that bull probably had the biggest impact on our herd. Um, and in the breed he was, you know, until a couple other bulls came along, but, uh, in 6807, he, he wasn't probably for everybody, um, more of a performance bull, but more in moderate, um, just. a female producer, I would say. Um, I, we still used them some when I was a kid, I guess. But, um, left a great set of females. Um, both bulls had a huge impact on the breed. Of course, Traveler. There are so many Traveler bulls out there and we raised a lot of them. I can, I can think of Traveler 3173, Traveler 71. Um, there's a ton of Traveler influence in the breed. He was the kind of bull that you could kind of line up and it worked, you know. So, um, other bulls, uh, we had that Rideau 2100 bull too had a big impact on our, on probably before Traveler. Um, Traveler 1148 was another good female producer. So,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:And that Rainmaker bull,
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:yep. And Rainmaker. Um, And we still, oh, we used some Rainmaker here a few years ago and, and they still do a good job. Um, uh, and you still see some Rainmaker bloodlines out there, I guess, um, doing it. Um, I, I think that will
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:keeps, keeps rolling on down the line.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:It sure does.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:So speaking of your herd and you, you're talking about the size, the moderation, what size cattle are you guys running?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Oh, our mature cows are going to average about 1350. Um, we'll have a few, some cows bigger than that, and that's for our environment. That's where we try to keep them. Um,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:what's frame.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:frame, frame would be about five and a half, I would say on the average.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Okay, so a little more moderate.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Yep. We're a little bit more moderate. You know, we want to keep them big enough to work for the, for the feeders. Um, but moderate enough to, uh, work in our environment. Um, I, I firmly believe that cows are where the money's made, you know, if you can have a cow that stays in the herd every year and raises a calf, um, we're, uh, about a 12 inch rainfall area here where we run these cows, um, so, uh, we just feel if we get them too big, they're just not gonna, they're gonna come in dry at the end of the year, so,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:I say where you're at, you're in Sydney, Montana.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:yes, sir,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:They call it West Dakota.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:pretty much, we're on the 80 miles from Canada, so,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Well, you probably don't get a lot of ranch visits out there.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:oh, we get some, but yeah, we're out of the way, that's for sure, we're
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:and few between. Not only do you guys have a long history with, with, on the sire side. You guys have an amazing history with, especially with the Forever Ladies. Did you guys start the Forever Lady line? That family line? How did that come about?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:We did. We bought, uh, a bull from Kandy Angus here that was actually located in Sydney also. Um, and that, and that bull started the Forever line. Um, Forever Ladies, um, where they came from. Uh, we had Forever Lady 395 was probably the most famous one. And I do remember her when I was a kid. She was just an amazing cow.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:On that cow, expand on that. What did she do?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:oh she just, you know, we kind of had some partners with her. Um, Sunny Valley Ranch and stuff. They, um, kind of, a lot of embryo work. So. A lot of our cows now will go back to her. Um, she had some daughters that did a heck of a job too. Um,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Any famous sires?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:yeah, the, you know, I think, I believe that Traveler 234D was a grandson and 216LTD,
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:This 57 D does she come out of that cow line
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:since a lot of this was when I was a kid. So hopefully I get it right.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:I gotcha. I gotcha. Well, your dad, your dad can let you know afterwards
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Oh, he will.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:So what other cow families came through your guys's?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Oh, the Rachel's have had a big impact here. Um, and more currently, we have a a Miss Wick's line that's done a good job. Um, we had a pretty prolific donor cow and a lot of our um, good young cows right now go back to her.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:So what's your guys' breeding philosophy?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Um, that's a tough one. Uh, we kind of start with the cow. You know, we kind of grandpa always said if you, if you select for the cow, everything else will fall into place. Um, and so I say we select for the cow, but we kind of wanted to do everything, you know, we want her to, to raise performance cattle, feedlot cattle, uh, cattle that grade, um, but we never forget about our goal that we want to structurally correct, easy keeping. female that breeds back every year and obviously raises a good calf. So we, we think our customers are the commercial cowmen and, and we really try to raise bulls, um, that are going to produce females that are going to stay in their herd and make them as much profit as possible. So
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Now? You guys run them pretty hard out there, don't you?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:we do, we run in big pastures, um, and we have a commercial herd also that runs in really rough country. Um, and so we put a pretty good test on these cows.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:You guys are not talking acres. You're talking sections out there.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Yep. Yeah, our, uh, where the registered cows run, those pastures are one to two sections, um, big and. It's eastern Montana. The winters aren't easy and the summers are tough, but it puts a pretty good test on those on those cows And we let mother nature kind of weed them out.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:You do a little more with the bulls and you do with the heifers when you bring'em on in. How do you guys manage them up to sale time?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Oh, we feed all our own bulls So they go they come directly off the cow into our feedlot and Obviously, we're in a little bit tougher country our weaning weights aren't huge But we try to keep them at about three and a quarter
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:idea what that would be. What, what is
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:our our will average about 680 on the whole bunch Um, yeah, I
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:right off desert.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:if we hit an 800 pound calf, that's pretty good.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:That's probably the the outlier, right? That's
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:yeah, those would be our outliers.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:lot one bull.
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:yeah, hopefully, yeah. Um, and we'll, we'll band about a third of them bulls. And we just take them right off the bottom and send them to a feedlot, get some carcass data back on those.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:What causes a bull to get banded?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:It mainly weaning weight, but we'll, we'll do it if we, if we don't like his mother or something too, or too much birth weight, just pretty much if they're not going to fit what we want to sell in the bull sale. So we'll end up with keeping about 300 bulls on test. And we'll try to sell about 250 of those in the bull sale.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:So when you guys put them on test Is is like a true test type thing? How do you guys do it on test?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:Yeah, it's a performance test. So they, uh, we use the weaning weight to go on to test with, uh, uh, and then we take a, you know, we have a gain ratio at the end, so it's a, it's a true test. Yeah.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:And then do you then cut the bottom quarter bottom third off that?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:At that point. Yeah. We cut them off for performance, um, scrotal circumference, um, structural soundness, et cetera. Um, try to get the best quality we can offer our customers.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:And then do you scan carcass?
squadcaster-4gca_1_11-21-2023_170719:We do, we still ultrasound. Um, you know, even the DNA kind of overrides everything, but we, uh, we think it's important to get that data into the system, so.
david_1_11-21-2023_180717:Well, let's transition a little bit. First, we're going to take a little break, uh, throw in some advertisement right here, and we're going to come back and talk about how you got back to the program.
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david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Alright, we're back with Chad Deneau. I think we said sixth generation at Gardner Deneau. Alright, well I, I know a little bit of your history because you guys have it on the internet, so it's pretty easy to see on your guys webpage. But at one point in time, you kind of left and went to college, right?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yes, I did. Yep.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:did you end up back on the farm?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, I always wanted to come back. Um, it's just what I wanted to do. Um, I grew up working here on the ranch, um, majored in livestock management at college, and it was just my goal. Um. And they've been really great to me. I, they've given me a lot of leeway here on, on what we're doing. And, um, I guess I'm kind of in charge of the genetics now. Um, dad still gives me his 2 cents, but my uncle and my cousin are more kind of the farming side and we all pitch in everywhere, but. I'm kind of running the genetics now. So
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I think it's pretty amazing when you can get a family that works together. I come from a family that couldn't work together. I always say my, my dad was a horrible boss and I was a terrible employee.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:there's days, yeah, yeah. It's trying, but
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:You picked the genetics?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:yeah, I do most of the ranch management and, and genetics.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I see how your dad does that. So if everything is a train wreck, it's Chad's fault.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That's, that's right now.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:You gotta kind of have a real marriage. You're married to an artisan.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yes, sir. Yep. Doug Arnson's daughter.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:How many kids?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Oh, we have three daughters.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:That's what I got. I got three girls too. Uh, but two boys. Two boys as well.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Oh, wow.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:'em? Yeah. You wanna borrow some for, for the summer?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:I could use some help.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:you borrow one. You can work'em to work'em to the ground. All right, circle back on that. You, uh, get to pick out the genetics. Do you guys use any outside bulls?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:We try to sample a bull or two every year if they, if we can find one that fits our program.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Okay. So what fits your program?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:You got to have a, you know, the balance trait, balance of all the traits that we're looking for, you know, moderate birth, um, performance, number one, structural soundness, and I appeal, we still want them to show some muscle, have some thickness, have some capacity and springer rib, um, tight sheathed, you know, we're, we work really hard on scrotal and udders. Um, and a lot of times we'll want to see the cow before we buy a bull or we sample a bull. Um, right now it's just
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Do you go to the ranch to go see the
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:yeah, a lot of times we do. Sometimes we'll sample one without, but, um, the, the big thing right now is feet. Everybody says that and everybody's doing it, but we're, we're doing our dang hardest to really improve feet right now. So,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Has your her had any issues with feet in the past or?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:oh yeah, I think all herds have. Um, I've seen it in all, all the bloodlines that we've used too. Um, some are worse than others and, and, uh, I think, And some of the feet were just marginal, but we're just really trying to, to make them really good now. You
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I gotcha. I got those cows out there that, man, I'm always, I'm always checking the feet. Like, every week I go out there and stand among them, check the feet, check the feet, check the feet. And there's two culprits that I'm always waiting for them to go bad, and they haven't gone bad. If you ever ask me, what do you think of the feet? They're not good, but they're not bad. You know what I mean?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:they're not bad
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:They could be better. They could be a lot better, but, but, uh, they're not bad. No screw claw yet anyways.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:I had a guy tell me once, uh, that he toured around with my grandpa and this was before my time. And he said, the one thing about your grandpa was he never, he always found something wrong with every cow on your place. And, and I've always remembered that.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I call that being, barn blind. You know how, you can be barn blind one way where you think all your cattle are great. I'm on the other side of that where I'm always looking out there thinking, yeah, they need to go to the slaughter plant,
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yeah. I'm more that way too. Yeah.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Every day I'm sending them to the slaughter plant, and then I go over to somebody else's place and I'm like, oh yeah, my cows aren't that bad. I got them on the truck heading out on Tuesday. If you talked to me a week before that. You know, I was, I was gonna, uh, wrap around on something with you. Uh, with the kids. you were saying that you got three daughters. Are they involved in the ranch?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yeah. You know, it seems like kids are busier nowadays than, than I remember being, but as much as they can, um, they're really involved. Um, they all have a cow and, um, they kind of follow her through. Um, they do the 4 H thing, you know, and, and my oldest daughter started in FFA, um, which is great and livestock judging. Um, but I, yeah, I take them out as much as possible and have them work. I think it's the right way to raise kids. And I think it's a good way to raise kids. So
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Each cow, each kid gets a cow,
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Cow, did I say that wrong? Sorry.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:each kid gets a cow, do they get to pick the mating? Do they?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:If they want to, yeah. Yeah, I,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:pick it?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:um, Yeah, they helped me pick them last year, I believe. Yeah,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Do you make, do you do a short list, or do they get the whole, they get the entire Angus universe?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:we keep it pretty short. Yeah, they have to pick out what I'm using. Yeah,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:heh heh heh heh heh, what's in dad's semen tank is what they get.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:yep, yep. And that's one of our, uh, our strategies too is we kind of try to limit the number of bulls we're using. Make those big sire groups for our customers. So,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:true. How many bulls you typically sell in a year, maybe 200,
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:uh, last year was close, it was probably 290 last year that we sold. Total, yeah. With the
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:you don't have, and you don't have 12 side groups.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Nope, we, we try to limit it to, yeah, to all 14. We'll use 8 cleanup bulls typically. And some of them bulls will be bulls that we'll AI to also, so.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:But I mean, your AI offering is, is pretty darn tight. you'll see programs where they sell that many and it's 30 different bulls. You guys seem to have kind of a tight program, which I appreciate because it feels like you guys know where you're going.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yeah, we try. Yeah.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:You try.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Well, this is kind of my favorite part of the show. Um, we get to talk about some bulls. So I may name off some bulls. Have you listened to the show before?
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:You didn't listen to it?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:no, I haven't.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Alright, so I name off some bulls, um, You're gonna have some history with them. I want you to kinda give me the good, bad, the ugly, you know, what you think about them. You ready for this?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Sure thing.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:So the first one is gonna be G Let's go, actually, I'm gonna change this up. Let's go to KG Justified.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Sure. Um, that's a bull that didn't get enough recognition early on. Um, he's been gone, what, three or four years now, I believe. Um, we are still using that bull.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Did he pass?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:yeah, he passed away here probably three or four years ago. He had a problem with his back and they had put him down. Um, but what he's, he would be 10 years old this year. Um, if he was still around, um, we've got a ton of daughters. We've used multiple sons, um, have had sons top our sales. Um, and the bulls just still doing it. Um, some of my best bulls out there this year out of them again. Um, he's more of a moderate bull, even a touch more moderate than we typically would use probably. But this throws a ton of thickness and muscle into those cattle. Light birth weight heifer bull, you know, the commercial cowboys. They just love them light birth weight and they look good And they got some grow to them daughters are nice If I'm gonna pick him apart, you know, he throws some tail head. I don't like that. Maybe a touch too much set to his back But other than that, I mean at the time when we bought him we almost named him captain obvious He was just that obvious. He looked that good.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Really? Really? So, the sons I have seen, my friend Cora Croftmole, he's got a bunch of them. I know Joe Fisher has used them pretty extensively on his place. Like I said, the tail head, every now and then that can rear its ugly head with him. But Normally, when you see his sons, the balance, the balance of those, those sons is amazing. they just, they look athletic. They look like they're gonna cover. I, I would say, the ones I've seen, they're not amazing, but there's no holes. It's a no holes kind of bull. Um, and he's available where?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:um, he's It's kind of hard to find right now. Arnson's and us would have semen on him still.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Gen X? Is Gen X
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:I don't know if Jax does have any more.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:They, they, he was a Gen X bull though. So,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I guess you're probably gonna have a bunch of this one, so let's jump to one of your bulls. Uh, G D A R, Justified.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:uh, which one? 914.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:The one that's available at Beef360.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:that would be the 914 bull.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, he's probably the son I'm highest on at this point in time. Um, he adds a tick of more frame, levels out that tail head nicely. Um, the feet are even better and the feet on the old bull are good. The feet on 914 are, are excellent. Um, the first daughters just look awesome. There's a ranch in, in Arkansas that bought him from us, Rock Creek Angus. Um, they just had a son and a daughter in the, um, Arkansas state sale. And, uh, they both topped their categories. So,
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:um, and, uh, Spickler Ranch North bought in on the bull this year. Uh, so we'll be seeing progeny marketed there too. Uh, they thought enough of him to buy in. Um, but I can't say enough good things about that bull, I guess. Um, he's a bull that we didn't use. I'll, I'll be honest, his, his mother wasn't like our best cow. And typically we want bulls out of really good cows, but the daughters are just flat good. Um, udders are even better than the old bull. So, um, trying to think of a hole in him. I mean, he could be a little more, uh, a little higher on IMF. Maybe the old bulls beats him there.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Eh. I don't know. That whole IMF thing is, I think, is a little overrated sometimes.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Oh, I, I might agree with you there, but we still, we still try to cover all the bases, you know,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:This is not gonna be one of your bulls, but it leads into into something that you do have. Let's go Schaff Resource.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:the 1441 bull, old resource.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:A A V Resource.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, we've used him some, uh, they were very easy to sell. Of course they had the birth weight, but they had the, the thickness and muscle that the, the bull buyers like. Um, they always, they were kind of moderate square. The females were good. I wouldn't call them great, but I, I, I do like the daughters out of them too. So
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:The reason I brought up it You guys have ownership in Sitz Reload, right? Is that correct?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:yes, sir. Yep.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:so that, yeah, let's talk about him.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:I think reload fixed a couple issues I had with resource. Uh, they had a lot better neck extension. Um, a little bit better built through the shoulders. He was a calving ease bowl where I would say resource wasn't. Um, the reload bull left us a nice set of daughters. Um, and of course, we had the son load up. I don't know if he was on your list of bulls too. He'd be more of the current bull that we're
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Hey, hey, hey, don't be jumping ahead.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:be jumping ahead.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Don't jump ahead.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:But, uh, reload stood on a good set of feet. Um, structurally sound. Um, could have probably had more performance if I was going to knock him somewhere. We
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:So, I went through a catalog. I like to deep dive into certain groups, in certain, uh Breeders catalogs. Here's one I like to deep dive into every year. And then another one you're talking about Spickler North. I like deep diving in there in there as well. Cause I like to see, you know, what the bottom line looks like. Are you using these bulls? Are they in this reload bull keeps showing up over and over and over again. You got a lot of daughters.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:have a lot of daughters and they're doing the job. Yep.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:And he's, he's a resource son. So since you jumped up on me, um, so actually he's available at SG genetics, right?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yep. Yep. I think they're still loading. Yep.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:And so you, you said load up,
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Yep. Load up's the bull. This is the son. Yep.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:talk about load up, tell us what he's doing.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, load up is a, I'll, I'm trying to think of what he fixed that reload had. He's probably, docility is probably the biggest thing that he fixed that the old reload bowl maybe wasn't great at. Um, docility on the load ups are really hard to beat. The dotters are super nice, nice uttered. Um, really good on his feet. And like I said, that's something that we're working really hard on. Um. And he's owned by Arnson's Math Farms and, uh, Nielsen Angus in Nebraska bought him from us, um, doing a heck of a job at all three places, um, for my, what them guys tell me anyway.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Okay. Are you guys using them?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:We are, we, uh, we used a son last year, um, was the first year we didn't use him, yep, but we've,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Tell us about his damn
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:um, she was a nice cow, I'm trying to think.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:I'm trying to think if she's still around or not. When, I got 1, 500 cows to remember.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:Now I gotcha.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, No, she is, I just brought her home from the donor center. So, she's got a heck of a set of, uh, of, uh, sons in the sale coming up here. So,
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:So let's take a little, let's take a little side trip right there. You got 1500 head of cattle. How many of those qualify to be a donor?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:uh, we try to flush, well, when I say 1, 500, only about 850 of those are registered. The rest are the commercial herd. Um, but we only flush two to four cows a year. And typically, it's an older cow that's proven herself.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:So what makes her proven?
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Um, if she's. Had enough calves and consistently done a good enough job. Um, I actually have an old cow that I flushed two years ago. That's, uh, how old would she be? She's 15. She's still in the herd. She'd be our oldest cow. Um, and she, she never raised a great bull calf, but she has a ton of daughters that stayed in our herd. and has good udders, still good feet. Want more cows like her, so we flushed her.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:So proven at GDR G D A R isn't a 10 month old heifer.
squadcaster-4gca_2_11-21-2023_172136:Uh, no sir, um, we call pretty hard for structure, udders, fertility. Um, if you, if you make it to six or seven years old here, you're probably a pretty decent cow, so.
david_2_11-21-2023_182134:I appreciate that. Hey, let's take a break right here. And when we come back, we've got some more bowls to cover.
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david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Alright, we're back with Chad Deneau. From Gardner, Deneau, Angus Ranch out there in Sydney, Montana. Before I, we stepped away, I forgot to ask you where people can get semen for load up.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Um, he's in, uh, uh, Oh, shoot breeder link.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:yes, sir. Yep.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Alright, so let's now jump to, Spickler, Whitlock.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Um, we just, we just used him a little bit, um, kind of an outside bowl. We tested, um. I guess they had maybe a touch tick more frame on average than we liked, but we kind of did leave us some good daughters. Oh, he,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:through, through catalog, that's why I pulled them up. Quite a few of them in there. Alright, so now we're, let's jump to, let's go to, uh, 21AR Rainmaker.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:he's a bull. That was kind of an outlier for performance at 21 Angus ranch that year. Um, we bought him and, uh, and then after we bought him, uh, uh, Baldrige Angus bought in on him too. So they, they use them down there also. Um. He has a touch more frame and performance probably than what our average herd sire would have. Um, really big scrotal, uh, leaving us a, a nice set of daughters. Um, they're probably average on their feet I would say. Um, we're probably be the last set of them would be this year that we're going to sell. All the way back to Rainmaker. Has a
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:And, and you kind of left out. I mean, he goes all the way back. Pedigree goes all the way back.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:back in there. Yeah,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Would you know offhand how many generations it is?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:it's, I went back in it, it wants, it's, it's way back there.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Yeah, it's way back there. That is, that is pretty amazing though. I think Gen X has a Rainmaker bowl.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Yeah, uh, well there's still some out there, 4404, and, and I think there's some more out there, isn't there?
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:I don't know. I, I just remember seeing one in Gen X there and they've had them in there for a couple years.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:We always wanted a sign out of the Sitz Rand Maker Bowl, out of the 1127, and uh, and so he kind of pit the ticket, and he did a heck of a job for us, so.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Alright, now let's jump over to, um, wait, we did the Rainmaker Bowl. Now we're gonna go to Leupold? Is that how you say
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Leopold. Yeah. Like the riflescope. Yep. Yep. And Leopold's a bull. The original there was two Leopold Bulls. The original one came from Arts and Angus. Um, and it kind of a funny story. They're my in-laws and, uh, the day after their sale, I was helping'em do chores and they had this pin of bulls there and I said, what's this pin of bulls? And, and they, this bull was standing there and they go, well, those, those are the ones we didn't sell. And I, and I talked him into selling me half of that bull, and he was a sire of the Leopold 298, um, that ABS originally bought, and he got, he got sent back to us because he wouldn't free semen right away, and then we got him the free semen, and then ABS Australia actually leased him after that, but, um, he did a heck of a job, um, kind of one of the first bulls we had that did a really good job on feet, I would say, um, where we could kind of use them for a foot improver. They're kind of soft made, not ton of performance, but the daughters are probably where he really shined.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Tell us about his daughters. We'll make some shine.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Um, they're easy to be around. They're kind of the right size. They stick around the herd. You don't have problems with udders. You don't have problems with feet. Just kind of the cows that, that make you money, in my opinion.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Alright, and then now G D A R, G D A R Lockdown.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Lockdown, uh, I thought that was just a great name. Cory Poser, Hilltop Angus bought him. Um, and, and that was during COVID, of course. So that bull's more of a, more of a power bull for us. Those calves do really good at, at weaning time. Um, he's got a tick more birth, you know, they're not going to be heifer bulls. Um, he got hurt as a three year old, I believe, and Cory had to, had to put him down. But, uh, we do have a, we do have a set of those for sale this year. Probably be the last set we have.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:What is the Power Bowl? Uh, dunno. Dunno.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Uh, just, just something that's going to have a little more, typically they're going to have a little bit more birth, a little more muscle, um, a little more, you know, a little more bone and frame, something that's just gonna, gonna hit the feedlot and grow a little better. Um, So,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Alright, now we're gonna talk about the bowl that started this trainwreck of a podcast. All in. G D A R. All in.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:um, first set of calves will be for sale this year. We got 40 of them, I think, on test. Um, he was just a standout all the way through weaning yearling that year we sold him. Um, the story, uh, is. He got hurt right after we sold him, hurt a testicle, wouldn't free semen. We took the bull back, kept him around. He healed up, um, froze semen like crazy the next year. And so we just made the choice to keep them all for ourself. Um, he's in the breeder link catalog. Um, his mother's up at the donor center right now. She's one of the prettiest little cows we got on the ranch. Um, you wouldn't believe she's about a five frame cow and I bet she, if she weighed 1, 200 pounds, she's lucky, um, to raise a bull with that much power and performance. It's pretty amazing. I'm really excited to see what his daughters look like.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:How big is he?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:He would be about a five and a half, five, eight frame, I would say. Um, he's super long, a lot of neck extension, a lot of capacity. Um, I can't, he's like 140 or 50 on yearling EPD, I think. He, we had him out with a hundred cows this summer. Um, of course they were AI'd, but, uh, he bred them up really good. Um, a really athletic bull, active breeder, um, kind of just a fun bull to be around really. Um, we're probably most excited about him right now of any bull we're using. So,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Are his sons leading? When you brought them home and weaned them, was he the leader, leader of the pack?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:um, yeah, they, as a group, I would say they would be, um, individually. Um, it was a, it was a pretty tough year up here with, with, uh, drought and flies and things. But, uh, we'll, we'll see. I think they'll definitely be the leaders when we come off test here.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Do you remember his weaning weight?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:uh, he was over 800, like 820 pounds. One of the heaviest bulls we've ever raised.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:I'm leading you here and the dam only weighed about 1150, 1160.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Yeah. She was not very big.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:We need a heck of a percent of her body
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Almost 70 percent of her body weight is what you brought home. Yeah. Do you know what is the early one? Is you remember, do you remember that?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Uh, he was, I don't, it was over 14, I believe, which is big for us. Um, I don't remember without looking it up, but he was just, uh, he was just a phenom. I mean, he was just a standout all the way through test.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:And, and then you remember what he ratioed against his contemporaries for weight for yearling,
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Uh, he was in the one twenties, I believe.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:it was the one 27, I think it was one 27 is what you have in breeders link.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Mm hmm.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:So feet. What should we expect for feet with him? I noticed his foot scores aren't the best but that doesn't mean anything.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:they're really good. Still, um, a nice big foot to symmetrical. Um, that would have been the problem with his sire. The feet were a little soft on his sire. Sire was the same way. He was a standout all the way through performance. Um, but his, uh, front feet weren't the best. So,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:who's the sire?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:uh, all pro 519,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:What made you guys go with all in?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:um, actually the people that bought him initially named him. Yep. They picked that same name and we ended up giving their money back. So,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:I got, I gotcha, gotcha. If I want to use this bull, what can I expect?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:um, you know, we've kind of used him across the board on all of our bloodlines and he's worked. Um, you would think that he'd have a lot of birth, but they're pretty moderate birth. Um, and they come pretty easy. Um, I used them heavily on my commercial herd this year and my, uh, my hired man out there said they're trying to suck before they're out of the cow. He couldn't believe it, how much bigger vigor they
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:vigor, nice vigor, and I think his birth weight is only in the ones, right? 1. 7, 1, that's nothing. That's barely above the breed average. Do you remember the breed average was like almost 3?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:I do. Yeah.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Yeah, yeah. 1. 7 is like a gift. Heck, that used to be a heifer bull back in the day.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:That was yes for us. Yeah. Some people it still is. So,
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Who'd you guys breed to, that we should look forward to coming up in your sale?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:uh, we got a setup to Ham of Testaments, um, the ST genetics bull. Uh, he's a patriarch son. Um, we kind of sapled him. Uh, they weaned off well and we hope they keep going. Um, I hear a lot of positive things about patriarch and we hadn't tried him. So we tried this son.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Okay. Who else?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Um, all in, we have another all pros on, uh, ace that, uh, Spickler's on over in North Dakota with us. that we sold to him. Those calves look good. Um, trying to think what else looks really good. We have that load up son. Those calves, uh, ratioed off really good and he's a minus three on birth, I believe, that bull. He was one of our top selling bulls here a couple years ago. Um, what else do we got out here? We got a nice set of, uh, the Rainmakers, the 21 Angus Rainmakers again. Um, actually have some really nice just old justified, uh, embryo calves that are pretty exciting. Um, they were some of our heaviest calves coming off the cows.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:The old man.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Yep, the old man. He just keeps doing her. Um, so I think that kind of covers it for this year.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:And what, when is your sale coming up?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:uh, it's fourth Thursday of March. So I believe it's the 23rd of March this year.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Okay. And about how many head are you offering
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Uh, there'll be about 250 bulls. We'll sell a couple hundred head of commercial, um, yearling heifers also.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Who does the video auction for that?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Um, DV auctions who we've been using. Yep.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Okay. Or they're doing it this year as well.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:I believe so. Yeah.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Okay. And then how someone contact you to get information for that sale coming up in March?
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:you know, our website has all the contact information on it. Uh, GDAR dash Angus. com.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Yeah. Speaking to the folks out there if you haven't ever looked at the at their website. It is amazing the historical stuff They have on there is a good read. I enjoyed it. I enjoy it. I've actually read it a couple times I dug into it that one time I've talked to Corey trying to find out You know size the cattle and all that stuff and you know when you look at think of the forever ladies You guys are running you said five and a half five frame cattle those forever ladies back in the day Those weren't five frame cattle
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:No, they're probably closer to six. Wouldn't you say?
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:like 50, 70. I don't think she was, she was anything short of six.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Mm hmm.
david_3_11-21-2023_184032:Those are, those are some big cows. All right, Chad. Well, Hey, I want to thank you very much for coming on here. You're the whole reason this whole thing started. We want to know something about all in I want to say, Hey, thank you. And you have a great night.
squadcaster-4gca_3_11-21-2023_174033:Well, I appreciate you having me on. So thank you.